Tyler Lamon

Development Blog

Eggs With Legs Sprint 6 & 7 Reflection

It has been rather hard for us to get enough testing done for our game.  We’ve only had three or four people show up to each session, and we need a total of eighteen testers before we can complete this step.  We’re going to have to ramp up the number of sessions we go to, since we want to be done with this step soon. 

Based on our results, we haven’t been completely giving the experience that we want to.  Controls and driving have been a major frustration to players so far.  We were trying tank controls, since that is what most people in robotics used, at least back when I did it in high school.  Unfortunately, this doesn’t really translate to mouse and keyboard very well, so it was rather frustrating to our testers.  Jake has already taken this feedback and completely reworked the driving system, which was awesome.  It feels a lot better to me, and as soon as we get the game back into testing with these changes, I feel like the testers will like it too. 

Customization, however, has been going great.  Testers have loved just messing around and making their own robots with all of the parts we’ve given them.  One of our questions has been “How interested would you be in playing this again after more development?” and the responses to that have been improving more and more each time we test.  I think this is mostly because we have the new customization system in, as well as a few art assets for the robot parts.  I think that if we get the controls and movement worked out, we’ll have a really solid game to present come Greenlight, and I’m really looking forwards to it.

We also got to meet with some of the developers from Rockstar, thanks to our Career Center setting up a meeting for us.  They had a ton of good insights, and at tonight’s meeting we’ll be discussing that, and what we think we want to have done for Greenlight, and I’m really looking forwards to it.

Tyler Lamon